Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Autodock - virtual screening

As I was on a role from my attempts described below I decided to try some virtual screening:

1. I went to the free ZINC database and downloaded a couple thousand molecules.

2. The molecules were downloaded as a single huge .mol2 file which I split using: -i filename

getting from the AutoDock Virtual Screening Tutorial.

3. Next I converted the mol2 files into pdbqt's using:

foreach f (`ls *`)
echo $f
/home/progs/MGLTools-1.5.1/MGLToolsPckgs/AutoDockTools/Utilities24/ -l $f -d

4. I divided the pdbqt files into separate directories (of about 1000 compounds) and then carried out the multiple ligand docking pocedure outlined in my posts below. I ran about eight jobs in total on different processors (sort of manual parallel processing!) which took about 24 hours in total processing time.

5. To evaluate the thousands of dockings I ran the script:

cd ./Dockings
foreach d (`/bin/ls`)
echo $d
/home/progs/MGLTools-1.5.1/MGLToolsPckgs/AutoDockTools/Utilities24/ -d $d -t 2. -L -a -o ../summary_run1.txt

This gave me the list:

largestCl_dlgfn #runs #cl #LC LE_LC rmsd_LC #ats #tors
ZINC00000077_rigid/ZINC00000077_rigid, 20, 14, 3, -6.0700, 56.6501, 25, 6
ZINC00000123_rigid/ZINC00000123_rigid, 20, 4, 8, -5.7200, 51.5977, 25, 1
ZINC00000154_rigid/ZINC00000154_rigid, 20, 3, 11, -6.4300, 52.8504, 23, 4
ZINC00000169_rigid/ZINC00000169_rigid, 20, 8, 7, -6.6700, 56.0226, 23, 4


largestCl_dlgfn: filename of the dlg file which contains the result with
the lowest energy in the largest cluster.

#runs: total number of runs found in all the dlg files in the specified

#cl: number of distinct clusters formed in the clustering done on all the
dlg files in the specified directory

LE_LC: the energy of the lowest energy conformation in the largest cluster

rmsd_LC: the rmsd difference between the lowest energy conformation in the
largest cluster and the reference ligand conformation. This is the input
ligand conformation unless a different reference is specified with the
'-f' flag

#ats: number of atoms in the ligand

#tors: number of active torsions in the ligand


  1. Hi
    I saw your blog on Autodock. Interesting stuff. I am organic chemist and want to use autodock for docking and virtual screening.

    I was wondering how easy it is to do the virtual screening of large database with Autodock and are the results reliable. Was command line interface easy to work or you had to go through lot of struggle? I know you did some experimental work also. Are your results comparable with the calculated one?

    Any insight and suggestion will be highly appreciated.


  2. Did you checked the molecular structures after converting from mol2 to pdbqt?
    In my case I am finding some errors in the structures obtained after conversion!!

  3. in the single docking case, i determined that if the structure hasn't optimized well, the bonds might sometimes be broken while mol2 to pdbqt conversion. so, do we have to check every single ligand manually file before virtual screening process?

  4. btw i forgot to introduce myself:
    Senem Avaz
    Hacettepe University
    Chemistry Department
    Msc. student

    1. did you leave hacettepe? or you still there?

  5. Was wondering if you could shed some insight on how you got the tutorial scripts to work? I'm on a mac, and it doesn't like the scripts in the tutorial at all. . .(python vs. Unix?).In what environment are you running the scripts? Thanks much! Your blog is very helpful!

  6. Although I love Macs I'm afraid I did all this on Linux running redhat so cannot really help.

    Have you tried DOCK blaster ( which, although not Autodock, does do something very similar online?

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